Distinctive characteristics

In Embassy we stress the importance of not only giving the Holy Spirit control in our personal lives, but also in our celebrations and everything else we do. This means that the leading of the Holy Spirit is always prioritized over our planning. We spend a lot of time in worship. In God’s Embassy, worship is not a prelude to the sermon. Praising the Lord is our main objective and everything else is subservient to that.
The leading role of the Holy Spirit is essential in decision making processes and selecting people for certain roles in the church. In other words, the Holy Spirit leads us in every step.

The role of the Holy Spirit and worship

The Gospel of the Kingdom

In Genesis 1:26-28 God said: “ Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (NIV)

God wanted people to rule over His creation and subdue it. This does not mean that we rule each other, but that we are called to make God’s Kingdom visible on the earth. We do this by preaching the Gospel and manifesting heaven on earth through signs and wonders like Jesus did. We also do this by transforming every sphere of influence in society (religion, family, education, business, politics, media and arts & culture) through equipping people who are called to have an impact in these spheres, so that they all function in accordance with God’s norms and values.
This leads to a kingdom mindset, not a church mindset. Our goal is not the growth and expansion of God’s Embassy but that of the Kingdom.

God’s Embassy Amsterdam believes in the Biblical concept of the fivefold ministry, described in Ephesians 4;11 (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher). All five are necessary for the equipping of the Church. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 we read that apostles have the primary leading role in a church, followed by prophets and teachers.

A church under apostolic leadership has different dynamics than a church led by shepherds and teachers. Central themes include vision, destiny, gifts and talents and taking initiative. This creates a dynamic, innovative atmosphere for breakthrough and progress. God’s Embassy is a church in which the apostolic and prophetic functions in a mature way together with the other 3 ministry gifts.

The five-fold ministry
led by an
apostle/prophet combination

and the role of deliverance

The slogan of God’s Embassy is ‘Become all you’re meant to be!’. This is not just something we say. It’s an accurate reflection of our passion; to see every Christian come into his or her destiny. To find out one’s destiny can be fairly simple, but to process towards it is full of hinderances, obstacles, challenges and character building.
God’s Embassy will always encourage you to press on and not quit. Deliverance is an integral part of this process to get rid of demonic oppression. Inner healing is another hurlde we have to take along the way.
We ask every Embassy member to dedicate themselves to the process of ‘becoming all you’re meant to be’. Unfortunately, we see that for some people this is too much to ask. They don’t want to work on personal issues and decide to leave the church. We are fully convinced that ‘Character goes before Anointing’.

When we are not rooted in our identity as beloved sons and daughters of God, we tend to react out of our unhealed hurts or insecurities. These reactions often damage our personal relationships and keep us from freely walking in our destiny. To personally experience the love of our heavenly Father is essential.

Hurt people hurt people. Hurt leaders hurt a lot of people.

Experiencing the Father heart of God confirmed our identity as a child of God.

Before Jesus started His ministry, he was baptized, and the Father proclaimed over Him: “This is My beloved Son.” Before Jesus had done anything, He knew He was loved by His heavenly Father. He operated in the Spirit of Sonship, not as a slave.

The Father heart of God