
What is deliverance?
Every person has a God-given destiny. Our enemy, Satan, does everything in his power to prevent us from walking in that destiny. How does he do this? By tempting us to sin. When we sin, we open the door to the enemy and we give him legal ground to harass us and block our destiny. He doesn’t just operate through our own sins, but, according to Exodus 20:5, he works through the sins of our ancestors as well. If want to be free from the enemy, we need to close all doors by confessing these sins and by repenting. After that, we can kick the enemy out of our lives.

Our specific vision
In our foundation, called Living In Your Destiny, we don’t view deliverance as part of Pastoral Care, but as a normal part of the Christian discipleship process. After we come to Jesus Christ and are baptized, it is time to be delivered from demonic ‘baggage’ that came into our lives through our own sins and the sins of our forefathers. After we get rid of this, it is much easier to walk and grow into our destiny and the calling God has placed on our lives. In Matthew 6 we read a request to be delivered from the evil one in The Lord’s Prayer. Apparently, we all need to be delivered from evil, whether we are aware of this or not.


Heavenly Courtroom

Heavenly Courtroom
A specific characteristic to the Living In Your Destiny deliverance ministry is that we pray from the Heavenly Courtrooms. Why do we pray like that? Because God Himself invites us to ‘settle the matter’ in court with Him, if we desire to be freed from our sin (and all demonic oppression related to that):
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’ (Isaiah 1:18 NIV)

Hundreds of people have shared testimonies of how their lives changed after they received deliverance. They report to have more peace, joy and freedom. They see that sinful patterns in their lives are broken. They also find that they have more room, freedom and strength to walk out their destiny.


Coaching Others

Coaching others
Living in Your Destiny gives regular trainings for those wanting to learn how to coach others through the process of deliverance. You can find more information about this under ‘Deliverance Training for Mentors and Prayer team’.

More information
If you want to know more about deliverance, you are most welcome to join one of our info nights. During these meetings we provide information only; we do not pray for deliverance. For dates, go to ‘deliverance info night’.
